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Pregnancy Support Formula Tablets

Nutritional support through all stages of pregnancy

8 reviews100100100
  • Support for mother and baby
  • 20 key researched nutrients
  • Suitable from conception to birth
  • including 400µg Folic Acid, 10µg Vitamin D
Only 12.2p per tablet
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- Best Price
Only 11.1p per tablet
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About This Supplement

Our pregnancy support formula is a scientifically developed formulation of 20 important vitamins and minerals.  Pregnancy support formula has been carefully developed by nutritional experts so that all ingredient levels are within safe levels for pregnancy and are moderate rather than excessive. We have formulated a comprehensive spectrum of essential nutrients at carefully chosen safe levels.

UK Department of Health approved ingredients

The UK Department of Health recommends women planning a baby should take a supplement containing 400mcg of folic acid from the start of trying to conceive until the 12th week of pregnancy.  Our supplement contains 400mcg folic acid and 10mcg vitamin D, the exact level as recommended by the UK Department of Health.

For all of pregnancy

Pregnancy support formula can be taken before conception to build up the stores of nutrients such as iron in women who are trying for a baby. Good nutrition is important to help prepare a woman's body for the additional demands placed on it during pregnancy.

Certain nutrients, like folic acid, vitamin B12 and zinc are also of particular importance from the very first moment of conception. Zinc contributes to normal fertility and reproduction whilst vitamin B12 contributes to normal red blood cell formation and also has a role in the process of cell division. 

Good nutritional intake is vital throughout pregnancy, not just the first 12 weeks. With this supplement you get essential nutrients throughout pregnancy including folic acid which plays an important role during the full nine months and contributes to normal blood formation. 

A fraction of the cost of the UK's most well known brand

Our pregnancy support formula contains only the highest quality ingredients, and has a formula almost identical to the high street brand everyone knows. Our supplement is a fraction of the price, without any sacrifice in the quality of the product - your body deserves the best during pregnancy!


Product Information

Pregnancy Support Formula tablet view
Tablet Size
11mm round
Cautions & Warnings
List of Ingredients
Recommended Intake
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Customer Reviews for Pregnancy Support Formula

The views expressed below are the personal opinion of Just Vitamins customers. Just Vitamins does not endorse these views, nor should they be regarded as health claims or medical advice. All reviews are collected and verified as genuine by a 3rd party called Feefo.

Overall product rating 10 / 10 - 8 customers have independently reviewed and recommend Pregnancy Support Formula from 8 reviews
Review Date
Review Details
I never received my vitamins due to Covid but I got a fast refund and customer service was good
Service rating: Quick service, great quality. Highly recommended.
Product: Excellent product. Totally recommended
Service rating: Έχω αγοράσει ξανά από την εταιρεία ,Just Vitamins και ήταν όλα υπέροχα. Δυστυχώς αυτή τη φορά η παραγγελία δεν έφτασε ποτέ σε εμένα. Παρόλαυτά επικοινώνησα με την Εταιρεία και μου είπαν ότι το πιθανότερο είναι να έχει χαθεί στη μεταφορά συνεννοηθήκαμε να την ξαναστείλουν και τώρα εύχομαι να τα παραλάβω. Το καλό ειναι νότια δεν σου παρέχει αριθμό παρακολούθησης της μεταφοράς για να ξέρεις πότε να περιμένεις.
Product: Great vitamins! Thank you
everything fine. thanks!
Service rating: Myo insitol works a dream at first but than I feel it can also be down to the individual to maintain and try to eat healthily.
Product: Not tried them yet so can’t say yes or no!
Service rating: Great quality vitamins and a brilliant price!
Product: Just as good as comparable brands you get in the shops and much cheaper.
Good product information
Simple to order
Quick delivery
Well packaged
Overall good experience
excellent service,