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What is Maltodextrin and is it bad for you?

2 min read

Maltodextrin powder is used as a stabiliser, sweetener and thickener in many packaged foods. It is found in condiments like salad dressings, spice mixes, soups and sauces, baked goods, yoghurt, nutrition bars, sugar-free sweeteners (take a close look at your Stevia sweetener!) and meal replacement shakes.  According to research most people consume maltodextrin frequently without experiencing any adverse effects. 

What is maltodextrin made from?

In Europe maltodextrin is primarily made from wheat and in the United States corn. The base starch is hydrolysed (broken down by chemical reaction with water), filtered and purified, then you get either maltodextrin, or corn syrup solids. The difference between these two is that maltodextrin is hydrolysed to have less than 20% sugar content, whereas corn syrup solids have more than 20%.

Is maltodextrin safe to consume?

Maltodextrin is widely used for a variety of purposes and is considered safe to consume but can have an adverse effect in certain individuals, particularly those with certain pre-existing health conditions such as diabetes and inflammatory bowel disease and this is also dependent on the amount consumed of course.

Side effects can include allergic reactions, unexplained weight gain, bloating and flatulence. Specific allergic reactions associated with the use of maltodextrin include rash, asthma, itching and difficulty breathing. If you experience any allergic reaction or other side effect after consuming maltodextrin, you should discontinue use and consult with a medical professional.

It is very important to realise that maltodextrin is usually used in such small amounts that it doesn't have a significant impact in terms of the amount of protein, fat, carbohydrate, or fibre that it adds to foods.

Maltodextrin in supplements

In the few supplements that Just Vitamins sell which contain maltodextrin, it is a minor addition having very little impact. It is still better in the long run to watch your intake of this substance but in relation to the very small amounts you may find in some supplements you can buy from Just Vitamins, your intake will be negligible and likely to be insignificant compared to other sources you already consume.

The Good: Although maltodextrin is technically a complex carbohydrate because of its sugar content, it is not a sugar but it still has a glycaemic index of 130 by itself (table sugar is only 65). A high glycaemic index means that it goes through the digestive system and into the bloodstream very quickly and for that reason it is often used as an efficient delivery agent for other ingredients it is combined with. 

The Bad: Easily absorbed carbohydrates like maltodextrin and sugar get into your bloodstream fast. If there is nothing for all that blood sugar to do (i.e. repair muscle-tissue, give energy), it will get stored as fat. If you have blood sugar issues or trouble managing weight, it would be a good idea to eliminate this ingredient altogether. 

The absolute quantity of maltodextrin contained in our supplements is minimal and the benefit of the supplement in question would usually outweigh any damage from the maltodextrin within. 

A healthy balanced diet is the best way to consume all the nutrients we need. Sometimes however this isn't possible and then supplements can help. This article isn't intended to replace medical advice. Please consult your healthcare professional before trying any supplements or herbal medicines.