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What are the vitamins we're not getting enough of?

3 min read

Just Vitamins Asks… Registered Nutritionist Rhiannon Lambert “What are the vitamins we're not getting enough of?”

With supermarket shelves increasingly lined with processed foods, many are consuming more refined sugary rich meals than ever before. With a huge shift in eating habits, it’s no surprise to see surges in obesity and chronic diseases. As you age, you need more of certain vitamins and minerals than when you were younger.  

Eating more natural whole foods will serve your health much better but still, we often still are in need of boosting vital vitamins and minerals. The three most common vitamins we are deficient in are Calcium, Vitamin D and Iron.  


Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body. It is an invaluable nutrient helps form haemoglobin in red blood cells. Haemoglobin is a protein that binds with oxygen in the blood to transport it around the body.  

Calcium helps maintain healthy bones and teeth, assists in nerve transmission, and controls blood clotting. Our bodies need plenty of calcium to function well as it is something we cannot naturally produce, we can only source it through the food we consume. Insufficient levels of Calcium can lead to an increased risk of osteoporosis and other serious bone density issues.  

Many consume Calcium through dairy produce but we require significantly more Calcium than that within our morning porridge. The recommended daily allowance (RDA) of Calcium in the UK is 700mg a day for adults and pregnant women. Calcium rich foods include Almonds, Broccoli and Butternut Squash.  

Vitamin D  

Vitamin D is the only vitamin we can both consume by eating a variety of whole foods as well as and make ourselves. We can process sunlight in the form of a hormone, however with the weather not always reliable, we must consume more Vitamin D rich foods to compensate.  

Vitamin D regulates cell growth and as result significantly decreases cardiovascular disease risk. It has anti-inflammatory benefits, which help maintain muscle mass and reduce the risk of bone fractures. It has also been attributed to lowering high blood pressure. Vitamin D rich foods include oily Fish, Eggs and Cheese.  

Those especially at risk of not getting enough vitamin D include pregnant women, children aged under five years old and people aged 65 or over. The Department of the Health recommend people aged 65+ years and those not often exposed to sunshine should take a daily supplement containing 10 micrograms (400 units) of vitamin D. Those not at risk may take a vitamin D supplement daily, but this should not be more that 25 micrograms (1000 units) daily.  


Iron is an essential protein, which is involved in everything from carrying oxygen through the body to building muscles. A lack of Iron can cause fatigue (anemia), memory loss, muscle loss, and difficulties regulating body temperature.  

Insufficient Iron levels are often seen in Vegans and Vegetarians as Iron from animal produce is absorbed far more efficiently than from plant-based produce. The foods consumed at the same time also play a key role in absorption levels.  

The recommended daily allowance (RDA) of iron in the UK is 8.7mg a day for adult men and 14.8mg a day for adult women. Iron rich foods include Spinach, Seafood and Chicken.

View our video interview “What are the vitamins we're not getting enough of?” with Rhiannon Lambert here.

View our video interview “What are the vitamins we're not getting enough of?” with Rhiannon Lambert here.

Visit to find out more about Rhiannon Lambert.

A healthy balanced diet is the best way to consume all the nutrients we need. Sometimes however this isn't possible and then supplements can help. This article isn't intended to replace medical advice. Please consult your healthcare professional before trying any supplements or herbal medicines.